Dreams in Limbo: A Look at the Future of DACA, Young Immigrants, and How Funders Can Respond

Dreams in Limbo: A Look at the Future of DACA, Young Immigrants, and How Funders Can Respond

Thursday, September 14, 2017, 4:00 - 5:00 PM

The Trump administration announced on September 5, that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program will be terminated in March 2018, throwing the futures of nearly 800,000 immigrants into uncertainty. In its five years as policy, DACA allowed DACAmented immigrants to live free from the threat of deportation, step up as leaders and members of their communities, and pursue the American Dream. How are DACAmented immigrants, as well as their supporters and allies, responding to this policy setback? What legislative options and trade-offs are being contemplated? What immediate and long-term needs and strategies should philanthropy prioritize?

Speakers include:

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Please click here to register before September 13, 2017.  

