Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Member Directory



Maryland Philanthropy Network's (MPN) Online Member Directory is your local resource to the specific interests and contacts at private foundations and corporate giving programs that make up our membership of Maryland funders – including private foundations that do not review proposals. MPN is Maryland's premier resource on philanthropy representing more than 100 private and community foundations, donor advised funds, giving circles, and corporations with strategic grantmaking programs.


About the Online Directory

This directory is designed to be a resource for the philanthropic and nonprofit communities. Information contained in this directory is provided by MPN members to simplify your grant research. The directory does not rely on public databases and, unlike our prior PDF directories, this online directory can be updated throughout the year by our members, allowing for the most up-to-date information. It is optional for MPN members to be included in the directory. A standard format is used for each member entry and each member decides what information to share. The following inconsistencies in entries should be noted:

  • Complete data is not provided by all members. For example, some members do not have a mission statement. For others, like corporate contributions programs, “Total Assets” does not apply to them as they do not have assets or a foundation corpus.
  • Names listed as Contact and Other Principals are those provided by the foundation or corporate contribution program. If the foundation is unstaffed, a trustee name is provided.

The directory is NOW available for $150 as an annual subscription per user. 


An account is required to purchase.


Please . If your email address is not associated with an exsisting account, please sumbit a request for an account and allow 1-2 business days for our team to process your request. Please contact Elyse Robinson, or 410.727.1205, with any questions or issues with your purchase.

