Get a BEER* and Undo Nonprofit Power Dynamics Day Happy Hour
Last year, Vu Le, author of the popular blog, Nonprofit AF formerly known as Nonprofit with Balls, proposed a day where nonprofits and funders, including foundation trustees, can get a beer or some ice cream together and see each other as human beings, and help to decrease the power dynamics so present in our sector. Several of us took this suggestion seriously, including many really cool foundations.
This year we are continuing this now-annual tradition! We are calling it the Get a Beer* and Undo Nonprofit Power Dynamics (GBUNPD) Day, which is the best name ever, you will agree. (*BEER stands for “Beverage to Enhance Equity in Relationships,” and does not have to be alcoholic).
Nonprofit AF, along with Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, Center for Effective Philanthropy, Forum of Regional Maryland Philanthropy Networks of Grantmakers, and Maryland Philanthropy Network of Baltimore Area Grantmakers are calling for a one-day where foundations and nonprofits can just get a beer together, or coffee or ice cream, without an agenda, and just talk about whatever. This year it is going to be May 25th!
Maryland Philanthropy Network and GEO will be hosting a happy hour at Brew House No. 16. We'll provide some appetizers, a slider bar, and drinks. Our members are strongly encouraged to invite a leader from the nonprofit organizations they fund to just hang out. This is an opportunity for trustees, program officers and nonprofits to have frank conversations with each other, not an opportunity to pitch a program, ask how you demonstrate impact, or any of that stuff we normally talk about in fundraising meetings. We have invited our friends at Maryland Nonprofits!
When registering, please click "Save and Add Another Attendee" and add your non-member guest.
GEO Members, please contact Elisabeth Hyleck to register.
This happy hour is for Maryland Philanthropy Network and GEO members and their invited guests only.
This event is proudly supported by Grantmakers for Effective Organizations and Maryland Philanthropy Network's Betsy Nelson Legacy Fund.