Member-Sponsored Briefing: Jobs for America's Graduates, The JAG Model
Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) is a state-based national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing dropouts among young people who are most at-risk. In more than three decades of operation, JAG has delivered consistent, compelling results – helping nearly three-quarters of a million young people stay in school through graduation, pursue postsecondary education and secure quality entry-level jobs leading to career advancement opportunities. Through its 5-year Learn and Earn to Achieve Potential (LEAP) initiative, Annie E. Casey Foundation is helping launch and grow JAG pilots in a number of locations outside of our region.
Our speakers will be:
- John Brothers, T. Rowe Price Foundation
- Patrice Cromwell, Annie E. Casey Foundation
- Kenneth Smith, President and CEO of Jobs for America's Graduates
- Janelle Duray, Vice President, Jobs For America’s Graduates
- Kristin Harrington, Executive.Director of Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates
Join us in hearing this briefing on the JAG model and its possible application for Maryland.
This briefing is sponsored for Maryland Philanthropy Network members and invited guests by the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the T. Rowe Price Foundation. Lunch will be served.