2023 was an exciting year for the Annie E. Casey Foundation as they celebrated several remarkable milestones. First, they entered their75th year of service to children, youth and families.
Baltimore has a rich history of developing its children and communities through sports – from the childhood of Babe Ruth to the proliferation of recreation centers in the 1960s and ‘70s, from the rise of decorated Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps to
A comprehensive survey of kinship care policies identifies increasing efforts by states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico to promote kinship care and support kinship caregivers of children and youth who are known to the child welfare syste
In 2023, nearly 7,900 Baltimore City youth applied to YouthWorks to gain summer employment experience, and some 500 businesses, agencies and nonprofits
Newly released data from the U.S. Census Bureau reveal a major public policy success. The nation’s child poverty rate dropped by half in 2021, from an estimated 10% in 2020 to a historic low of 5%.
BALTIMORE, MD (Thursday, May 12, 2022) —Today, Mayor Brandon M. Scott joined Baltimore City Schools CEO Dr.
The Baltimore Summer Funding Collaborative (the Collaborative) has awarded $5.3 million in grants to support 93 high-quality summer programs for children and youth living in low-income families throughout Baltimore City.