Baltimore Integration Partnership Update - April 2015
Strong Workforce, Strong Economy: Baltimore Regional Workforce Development Plan
This new report from the Opportunity Collaborative combines earlier studies on workforce barriers and career pathways and offers recommendations to advance workforce development in the region. The report explores strategies for strengthening industry led partnerships, building stronger basic skills/post-secondary education, improving transportation/job accessible housing, undermining structural racism, supporting people with criminal records, and expanding resources. The report will ultimately be incorporated with regional plans on transportation and housing in a "Regional Plan for Sustainable Development” which is expected to be released this summer.
TRF to manage HCPI Development Fund; BIP helps capitalize fund
The HCPI Development Fund has negotiated a relationship with The Reinvestment Fund (TRF) to manage a targeted $10 million fund for real estate redevelopment in Central Baltimore. The HCPI Fund will be used in tandem with $4.5 million in acquisition funds from the State of Maryland. So far, Johns Hopkins University has committed $750,000 from the HCPI budget to the Fund; the BIP has enabled TRF to prioritize $400,000 from an existing predevelopment pool for the fund; and TRF has raised $85,000 for staffing from two different sources.
Webinar Discussion/New Report on Economic Inclusion
The Annie E. Casey Foundation hosted a webinar and panel discussion on March 20, 2015 entitled "Community Change: A Focus on People and Place” highlighting economic inclusion activities in Baltimore, New Orleans and across the nation. The webinar was recorded and is available for viewing. In addition, a new report "Expanding Economic Opportunity: Lessons from the East Baltimore Revitalization Initiative,” was also released. It details outcomes, findings and recommendations from the inclusion efforts in east Baltimore, includes examples of other inclusion policies and practices from Baltimore (including the BIP) as well as across the nation, and concludes with lessons for the field.
Small Business Resource Center offers "Contractors College”
On April 8th the Small Business Resource Center, in partnership with the Baltimore City Mayor’s Office and the BIP, will be hosting the first of 5 training sessions to help local construction contractors build capacity. The first class will focus on "Doing Business with Hospitals and Universities” and feature overviews by several anchors on their procurement processes and opportunities. Additional classes will feature training on OSHA, Bidding and Estimating, Project Management, and Local Hiring/MBE Certification. More Information.
Food Hub and BIP to Host Food Vendor Fair
Together with American Communities Trust and the Baltimore Integration Partnership, the Baltimore Food Hub is organizing a Vendor Fair on June 8th from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. at Lexington Market to showcase the best of Baltimore's local food & beverage businesses. Buyers from anchor institutions, in addition to hotels, supermarkets, and restaurants, will be in attendance with the goal of connecting with local food vendors to arrange potential purchasing and distribution agreements. For more information, please contact
BIP Helps Fund Training on Race and Food
Over 30 individuals including representatives of the Baltimore Food Policy Advisory Committee, area nonprofits, anchor institutions, and community members participated in a day and a half long training on structural racism. The sessions focused on equity in the food sector and explored policy and programmatic issues in relation to food deserts, healthy food access, and community engagement. Coordinated by the Baltimore City Food Policy Director, the training was also supported by Kaiser Permanente of the Mid-Atlantic States, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Baltimore Community Foundation.
Baltimore City / TRF Release 2014 Housing Market Typology
The 2014 Housing Market Typology was completed by TRF in partnership with Baltimore Housing and Baltimore City Planning. The analysis provides a report card on the health of the city housing market and regular updates help reveal changes or trends. The resulting map illustrates the range of housing markets found throughout the City, which are categorized within eight market types. Since 2005, Baltimore’s Housing Market Typol ogy (HMT) has been used to help guide public policy, market studies, community plans, grant funding applications and capital improvement programming. Learn More and Download a Copy.
The Baltimore Integration Partnership is funded by the national Living Cities Integration Initiative and generous local support from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, The Goldseker Foundation, Associated Black Charities, The Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative and the Maryland Philanthropy Network (Maryland Philanthropy Network). Maryland Philanthropy Network acts as a backbone organization, coordinating and staffing the partnership.