Desks 6 feet apart? Elementary only? Temperatures taken at the door? Maryland schools plan for coronavirus contingencies

Desks 6 feet apart? Elementary only? Temperatures taken at the door? Maryland schools plan for coronavirus contingencies

Whenever classes return to school buildings, they’re likely to be very different than the day students walked out so suddenly in March. No one yet knows what that future might look like for schools, but there are glimpses. Student desks six feet apart. Temperatures taken at the door. Some students come on Mondays and Wednesdays, others on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Elementary students return to school first while  middle and high schoolers learn at home.

School systems are only beginning to look at their options. Maryland school officials now have outlined a range of possibilities that all involve significant restructuring of the school day and week, with a combination of distance learning and in-person instruction.

Click here to read the full article.

Source: The Baltimore Sun


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