Mission, Vision, and Jewish Philanthropic Leadership: A Conversation with Rachel Garbow Monroe and Paula B. Pretlow

Mission, Vision, and Jewish Philanthropic Leadership: A Conversation with Rachel Garbow Monroe and Paula B. Pretlow

Claire E. Sufrin, editor of Sources, reached out to the leaders of The Harry and Jeannette Weinberg Foundation to talk about best practices for philanthropic leaders, in their case a foundation with capacity to impact significant projects in the Jewish community and beyond. The Weinberg Foundation is headed by Chair of the Board Paula B. Pretlow, and President and CEO Rachel Garbow Monroe.

Each of them is widely recognized for their leadership skills, and Sufin specifically wanted to speak with them together to observe their give-and-take: how do two strong leaders work together across the lay-professional divide? They were drawn to the Weinberg Foundation because it funds projects within the Jewish community and within the general community. Sufrin wanted to know more about how it prioritizes needs.

During the conversation, it was clear that Paula and Rachel’s work relies on their own vision of how best to best fulfill this mandate. You will learn more about their vision in the interview; the breadth of its impact, from who they hire to staff the foundation to how they engage with their grantees to how they interact with leaders of other foundations.

The conversation was condensed and edited for clarity. 

Click here for the full conversation.

Source: Sources


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