Racial Equity in Lean Foundations: The Lean Funder's Equity Journey

Racial Equity in Lean Foundations: The Lean Funder's Equity Journey

Racial equity is crucial to effective philanthropy, and lean foundations—those with few or no staff—are uniquely positioned to make a significant impact. Exponent Philanthropy's 2024 publication, “Racial Equity in Lean Foundations: The Lean Funder’s Equity Journey,” delves into how these foundations are incorporating racial equity into their work to drive better decisions, achieve more equitable outcomes, and amplify their philanthropic impact.


Race is often the most consistent predictor of inequities in society. From economic security to health outcomes and access to a clean environment, racial and ethnic disparities are widespread. Lean foundations must understand how race and racism contribute to unequal outcomes to achieve impact in their communities and issue areas.


Click here to download the report.

Source: Exponent Philanthropy


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