We believe in the City of Baltimore and its people. Indeed, it is their initiative, resilience, and hard work that fuel and sustain the projects profiled in these pages. From the... READ MORE
We believe in the City of Baltimore and its people. Indeed, it is their initiative, resilience, and hard work that fuel and sustain the projects profiled in these pages. From the... READ MORE
In the last five to 10 years, it would seem as though Baltimore is finally emerging (at least economically) — from its slow, multi-decade decline. But if you’re a resident of one of... READ MORE
This weekend’s misinformed, racist tirades made it clear that Donald Trump doesn’t consider Baltimore part of his America. The Baltimore President Trump sees is a racist caricature of urban blight... READ MORE
Baltimore faces many challenges, but I believe most Baltimoreans would agree that the city’s No. 1 challenge is its murder (and shooting) rate.
When the subject is raised... READ MORE
Christmas in July has become a popular marketing theme in recent years. Store promotions, the Hallmark Channel’s run of holiday movies throughout the month, and other deals and incentives to buy... READ MORE
More than 200 people came to the Baltimore Convention Center Thursday morning to celebrate companies that are making a difference in Greater Baltimore.
The Baltimore Business Journal's... READ MORE
By almost any measure you choose, philanthropic giving in the US has grown exponentially in the past 25 years. Whether viewed by total contributions, number of donors, visibility,... READ MORE
A city of neighborhoods defined by compass points, Baltimore is known for its unique culture, but more widely for drugs and violence. West Baltimore came to national attention in 2015, with the... READ MORE
Based on a rigorous assessment of anchor strategies and 125 arts and culture organizations in 57 U.S. cities, The Overlooked Anchors: Advancing a New Standard of Practice for Arts and Culture... READ MORE
Maryland Philanthropy Network named Joyce Bartlett as its member engagement and services manager.
In her new role, Bartlett will cultivate and strengthen relationships... READ MORE