Updates from the Baltimore Integration Partnership, a project hosted by the Maryland Philanthropy Network. READ MORE
Updates from the Baltimore Integration Partnership, a project hosted by the Maryland Philanthropy Network. READ MORE
Vendor Fair Showcases Locally Made Food and Generates New Business Opportunities for Baltimore Enterprises
Buyers from major institutions will attend to connect with... READ MORE
Today, Maryland Philanthropy Network Board Chair Laurie Latuda Kinkel and Maryland Philanthropy Network President Celeste Amato joined numerous Maryland Philanthropy Network Members at Mayor... READ MORE
By Celeste Amato, President, Maryland Philanthropy Network
The local funding community has expressed deep sadness at the death of Mr. Freddie Gray and at the violence and destruction... READ MORE
Dear Members of Maryland Philanthropy Network,
Last night, we watched with horror the images of violence, looting, and arson in our city. As long time residents of Baltimore City it is... READ MORE
By Adam Donaldson, Maryland Philanthropy Network Member Services Director
The IRS approved more than 110,000 applications for tax-exempt status in 2014, more than doubling the... READ MORE
Updates from the Baltimore Integration Partnership, a project hosted by the Maryland Philanthropy Network. READ MORE
Updates from the Baltimore Integration Partnership, a project hosted by the Maryland Philanthropy Network. READ MORE
Building off of a successful first round of work and through support from Living Cities, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and the Goldseker Foundation, the Baltimore Integration Partnership (BIP) launched 2.0 in 2014 to deepen anchor institution’s efforts to support area residents, businesses and communities. READ MORE
Local purchasing strategies to support area businesses can generate much needed jobs for Baltimore. However collective action is also needed to be successful as well as an enabling environment to intentionally leverage anchor institution purchasing to build opportunities for area businesses and residents. READ MORE