The Supreme Court's Census Decision Eliminates Barriers to a Complete Count

The Supreme Court's Census Decision Eliminates Barriers to a Complete Count

On Thursday, June 27th, the Supreme Court ruled to reject the federal administration justifications and blocked the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 Census. While the administration could still produce revised justifications, it seems unlikely now that a reversal on this ruling could happen with sufficient time to include the citizenship question in the final questionnaire.

Maryland Philanthropy Network (MPN) applauds the Supreme Court’s decision. Although we sought a definitive rejection of a citizenship question on the 2020 Census, this ruling of the court still effectively removes this significant barrier to a fair and accurate count of all Maryland communities. Accurate census data are critical for the work of public agencies, private business, and the social sector. Philanthropy uses census data to inform strategic priorities, target investments, and measure progress on a range of issues including public health, education, and community and economic development. The Court’s ruling heeds the concerns of philanthropy, civil rights groups, business leaders, statisticians, and former Census Bureau directors in calling for an accurate census and removal of the citizenship question. 

Even with the citizenship question removed, the fear, mistrust and confusion engendered, will still be difficult to overcome.  MPN remains committed to an accurate count, particularly focused on historically undercounted communities, such as people of color, low-income households, people who are homeless, immigrants, limited-English proficient populations, and young children. Our Network will continue to mobilize, alongside our members and partners, to ensure every person is counted. We encourage other organizations to do the same and stand up for the representation and resources our communities deserve by supporting the 2020 Census. 

Source: Maryland Philanthropy Network


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