Grantmakers Must Put Equity at the Forefront of the Coronavirus Response
Lauren Smith’s opinion article, How to Help the Most Vulnerable Through the Pandemic, made an important point about a focus on equity in philanthropy’s response to the coronavirus. She encourages funders to pay specific attention to communities that are likely to suffer disproportionately during the coronavirus pandemic because of “historic, systemic barriers that have left them vulnerable.”
Philanthropy is well positioned to play a crucial role in responding to this public health challenge because we are frequently on the front lines in responding to community crises, are trusted in communities, and invest in long-term solutions. The philanthropy-serving organizations that come together under the umbrella of United Philanthropy Forum, a national network of 84 organizations representing more than 7,000 funders, are committed to helping our sector respond effectively to the coronavirus. In doing so, we are particularly attentive to ways in which this outbreak may exacerbate inequities.
Click here to read the full letter to the editor.
Source: The Chronicle of Philanthropy, written by David Biemesderfer, President of the United Philanthropy Forum