BWFC Wage Record Study
The Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative works with the Jacob France Institute of the University of Baltimore (JFI)  to conduct analyses of pre- and post- training employment and wages for participants of workforce development programs in Baltimore. Data from Maryland's Unemployment Insurance Records supplement demographic and training outcomes data collected from workforce development programs, helping understand the impact of workforce interventions. Preliminary planning for this analysis began in 2017 with the first data collection in the first quarter of 2018. The project is ongoing with data collection and analysis occurring annually. 


The purposes of the Wage Record Study are to:

  • Enable programs and funders to better understand the impact of workforce programs over time.
  • Help programs identify what can be improved.
  • Track employment and wages in ways training programs cannot do alone.
  • Identify differential outcomes by demographic features such as race, gender, ethnicity, age, etc.
  • Understand the collective impact of workforce services.
  • Improve and demonstrate the value of the workforce system so as to inform and promote investment in workforce development.
  • Advance a unified system for data reporting and analysis.

This project is made possible with grant support from The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, the Abell Foundation, the National Fund for Workforce Solutions, and the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

MOST RECENT REPORT: In Spring 2024, the JFI completed a fourth annual report which includes data collected from workforce training programs through the fourth quarter of 2022. Programmatic data are matched with Unemployment Insurance data on employment and wages.  This report aggregates results for all participants at workforce organizations supported by the BWFC into single metrics. This was done to allow the BWFC to share the general findings of the report while also maximizing the privacy of participants.

Click here to read the most recent Wage Record Study Report on Agreggated Completion, Employment, and Wages.