Focus on City Schools: The Blueprint for the District's Focus Areas

Focus on City Schools: The Blueprint for the District's Focus Areas

Tuesday, July 11, 2017, 12:00 - 1:30 PM

In April, City Schools CEO Dr. Sonja Santelises, launched a workgroup to look deeply into the research and effective practices across the globe in each of the district's three focus areas: wholeness, literacy, and leadership. The purpose of the workgroup was to identify the highest leverage activities for schools to engage in for each focus area. The product of this work is a blueprint that will serve as a roadmap for aligning the district's expectations for schools, the district office, and families and communities.

Join City Schools CEO Dr. Sonja Santelises and Chief of Staff Alison Perkins-Cohen, who co-facilitated the blueprint workgroup, for a first look at City Schools new plan.

This program is for Maryland Philanthropy Network members and invited guests only. Lunch will be served.


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