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On June 17, The Associated held their first, virtual Annual Meeting. Hundreds of community members joined us on Facebook and YouTube as they recounted their 100-year history and reflected on their accomplishments during this past year.

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Maryland Legal Services Corporation is facing a funding decline of approximately $4.5 million for the fiscal year that begins July 1, threatening the availability of crucial civil legal services as Maryland recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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In the last week, Baltimore has joined other cities in taking up the call for racial equality, with thousands pouring into city streets to protest for equal treatment of African Americans and other people or color under the law.

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In response to the COVID-19 crisis and rising levels of hunger in communities nationally, United Way Worldwide is expanding Ride United, its transportation access initiative, to launch a “last mile” home delivery program that brings food and suppl

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To ensure that a greater number of residents affirmatively vote for municipal candidates and create a broader mandate for elected officials, we should examine the options for reforming Baltimore City’s election process to expand participation, inc
