Join Maryland Philanthropy Network staff and your philanthropic peers for Economic Opportunity Funders' briefing on the new political environment and its impact on social policy.
Hosted and presented by United Philanthropy Forum and Council on Foundations in partnership with Independent Sector, Foundations on the Hill is the premier public policy conference uniting the philanthropic sector to strengthen our collective voice on Capitol Hill. With a new Congress set to begin and transformative tax reform legislation on the horizon, #FOTH25 arrives at a crucial time for our sector. Key issues affecting the future of the sector will be at the forefront of legislative discussions. Your voice and experience are essential in shaping policies that strengthen our sector's ability to serve communities effectively.
Registration is now open for the 21st Annual Foundations on the Hill, hosted and presented by United Philanthropy Forum in partnership with Independent Sector and the Council on Foundations, is the largest annual public policy and advocacy conference dedicated solely to the philanthropic sector. Register today to reserve your space at what promises to be a catalytic public policy conference experience in Washington, D.C..
Foundations on the Hill (FOTH) is a multi-day event that brings together foundation leaders, grantmakers, and regional associations from across the country to DC for meetings with Congress about key issues of importance to foundations and philanthropy. The next Foundations on the Hill will take place Monday, February 27, 2023 to Wednesday, March 1, 2023.
Giving circle leaders are invited to the twelfth annual Giving Circle Connector Gathering. The dozens of giving circles in our region will gather virtually to connect and learn from one another about a variety of issues important to giving circles. This year's theme will be “We’re all in this Together” with a special presentation by Sara Lomelin, Executive Director of Philanthropy Together focused on leading a movement to diversify and democratize philanthropy and support Race Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion work within giving circles.
Join us to learn how COVID-19 and the Census Bureau’s adjusted operational timeline are impacting 2020 Census outreach and about creative approaches to reach historically undercounted communities and how census engagement can support long-term capacity building.
Foundations on the Hill (FOTH), presented by United Philanthropy Forum, is a multi-day event that brings together foundation leaders from across the country to DC for meetings with Congress about key issues of importance to foundations and philanthropy.
Please join us for a casual reception to connect with colleagues, welcome new members and meet our new Board Chair, Tracey Barbour-Gillett, Abell Foundation.
We invite you to join us to watch along with other watch parties around the country and view a live webcast of the keynote address on the federal budget and tax outlook from Bob Greenstein, President of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
Foundations on the Hill (FOTH) is presented by United Philanthropy Forum, in partnership with the Alliance for Charitable Reform and Council on Foundations.