Our thoughts and prayers are with the individuals and families impacted by the June 12 mass shooting in Orlando. In the early morning hours of June 12, a gunman opened fire at a gay nightclub in Orlando, leaving 49 people dead and more than 50 injured. Our hearts are with Florida, the LGBTQ community and the many families and friends now striving to come to terms with this senseless act of terror and tragic loss of innocent lives.

As we do during times of disaster, Maryland Philanthropy Network will serve as a clearinghouse for resources and information about support efforts. Our...


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This report documents the experiences, successes and lessons learned during the Learning and Action Agenda Project, an effort to provide local grantmakers with information and strategies around issues of importance to the Casey Foundation —particularly around the Foundation’s Family Economic Success framework — and to motivate them to take action on those issues within their own communities and networks.


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