In November 2013 we held an inspirational evening showcasing individual stories of generosity and service.
Please join the Board of Directors of Maryland Philanthropy Network for a funders' reception to welcome our new President and CEO, Danista E. Hunte. We invite you to meet and build relationships with one another and Danista and hope this opportunity will provide you insights into Danista’s vision for MPN.
The Board of Directors of Maryland Philanthropy Network is pleased to announce the appointment of Danista E. Hunte as its next President and CEO, effective October 11, 2023. Danista brings with her a wealth of experience spanning over three decades in the philanthropic and non-profit sector. She most recently served as the Executive Director of Child First Authority in Baltimore and prior to that was Vice President of Community Investment for the Baltimore Community Foundation.
The Giving Life: Stories about the purpose, passion, and power of generosity and service presented by The Maryland Philanthropy Network’ Betsy Nelson Legacy Fund and The Stoop Storytelling Series.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for the final session in our three-part series on community schools. Part III will focus on practitioners and the role they play in facilitating the implementation of Community Schools.
On November 13th, Danista E. Hunte, President and CEO of Maryland Philanthropy Network, Linda Dworak, Director of the Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative (BWFC), and members of the BWFC attended the annoucement of the new Baltimore Workforce Hub at Carver Vocational High School in Baltimore. MPN’s BWFC will collaborate with the Baltimore Mayor’s Office of Employment Development, Baltimore City Schools, and the Baltimore DC Building Trades Council to coordinate the project.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for a virtual conversation to learn about the recovery effort over the past two months including an update from the Governor's Office and on the philanthropic response from the three established funds - Maryland Tough Baltimore Strong Key Bridge Fund at the Baltimore Community Foundation, the City of Baltimore’s Key Bridge Emergency Response Fund, and the Bridging the Gap Fund of United Way of Central Maryland. We will also have a data presentation from the Baltimore Metropolitan Council on the regional impact of the Key Bridge collapse and the effects on jobs, transportation, and environmental justice.
A message to the Maryland Philanthropy Network membership from our President and CEO Danista E. Hunte.
A message to the Maryland Philanthropy Network membership from our President and CEO Danista E. Hunte.
Supporting nonprofit organizational health by way of facilitating stronger partnerships between philanthropy and nonprofits is one of three priority actions that resulted from Maryland Philanthropy Network member conversations over the past year in our State of the Sector Workgroup. MPN members are invited to build on these conversations by joining this special program with Associated Black Charities and Baltimore area Black-focused nonprofit organizations around positive relationships in support of the organizational health of nonprofit organizations.
A message to the Maryland Philanthropy Network membership from our President and CEO Danista E. Hunte.
A message to the Maryland Philanthropy Network membership from our President and CEO Danista E. Hunte.
A message to the Maryland Philanthropy Network membership from our President and CEO Danista E. Hunte.
A message to the Maryland Philanthropy Network membership from our President and CEO Danista E. Hunte.
A message to the Maryland Philanthropy Network membership from our President and CEO Danista E. Hunte.
A message to the Maryland Philanthropy Network membership from our President and CEO Danista E. Hunte.
A message to the Maryland Philanthropy Network membership from our President and CEO Danista E. Hunte.
A message to the Maryland Philanthropy Network membership from our President and CEO Danista E. Hunte.
A message to the Maryland Philanthropy Network membership from our President and CEO Danista E. Hunte.
A message to the Maryland Philanthropy Network membership from our President and CEO Danista E. Hunte.