All funders interested in housing stability and homelessness are welcome to attend the meetings of Funders Together to End Homelessness – Baltimore.
The purpose of this group is to:
All funders interested in housing stability and homelessness are welcome to attend the meetings of Funders Together to End Homelessness – Baltimore.
The purpose of this group is to:
Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative (BWFC) meets each month.
Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative (BWFC) meets each month.
The Maryland Philanthropy Network is committed to fulfill its mission by embracing diversity and inclusion and focusing on racial equity in its governance and programs. The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDI) meets quarterly to infuse Maryland Philanthropy Network's values of diversity, inclusiveness and respect in our work.
The Public Policy Committee serves as a clearinghouse of policy information, responsible for informing members on government policies affecting the charitable sector and member interest areas; a resource on philan
All funders interested in housing stability and homelessness are welcome to attend the meetings of Funders Together to End Homelessness – Baltimore.
The purpose of this group is to:
Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative (BWFC) meets each month.
Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative (BWFC) meets each month.
All funders interested in housing stability and homelessness are welcome to attend the meetings of Funders Together to End Homelessness – Baltimore.
The purpose of this group is to:
This is the annual meeting of Maryland Philanthropy Network leaders (staff and chairs) of affinity groups, projects, and roundtables. At this meeting we will discuss affinity group planning and collaboration.