Please join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Health Funders Affinity Group for a debrief and information session on health issues in this year’s legislative session. Ashley Woolard, Attorney with the Public Justice Center, Vincent DeMarco, President of the Health Care for All! Coalition, and Dan Martin and Linda Raines with the Mental Health Association of MD (MHAMD) will share the outcomes of their advocacy work, overcoming the budget constraints, and what to prepare for next year’s session.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Seniors & Housing Collaborative for a peer sharing and networking platform to learn about the inspiring projects our colleagues have developed and implemented this past yea
Maryland Philanthropy Network members who are supporting environmental and sustainability issues in Maryland are invited to join the Green Funders Affinity Group for a peer learning exchange. Together we will review trends from 2024, share priorities, and discuss plans for the year.
Join Funders Together to End Homelessness – Baltimore (FTEHB) to convene and discuss the 2023 Grant Scan Report as well as plans for the group's future work.
Join other education funders for a peer-to-peer exchange that will focus on grantmaking for summer learning. We encourage you to bring your burning questions, strategic ponderings, or interesting projects to raise with the group. Then, from 4:00 – 5:00PM, we’ll continue conversation and relationship building at UNION Craft Brewing.
This is the annual meeting of Maryland Philanthropy Network leaders (staff, chairs, and steering committee members) of affinity groups and collaboratives.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Health Funders’ Behavioral Health Workgroup for a sharing session to learn how your peers are approaching their giving for 2025 and highlight notable grants and their impact.