Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for our quarterly peer-to-peer exchange for education funders!Come prepared to share information about a grant you are excited about, opportunities to collaborate, and new ideas you are exploring.
Over 300 arts organizations, hundreds of independent artists, and millions of Marylanders benefit from strong, statewide investment in the nonprofit arts sector. Sustained growth in funding means arts communities throughout Maryland can continue to cultivate robust impactful programming, providing a high quality of life to all residents.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for a peer learning exchange for arts and culture funders. Discuss trends you and other funders are seeing and dig into exciting projects folks are funding. We encourage you to prepare to share a link, video, or another example of the project with the group.
OSI-Baltimore recently announced that it will close in 2023 as part of Open Society Foundations’ process to evaluate its priorities and streamline its structure and footprint. All MPN members are invited to participate in an information session to learn more about the organization’s winddown and to discuss how this change will impact social justice philanthropy. This session will provide an opportunity to discuss the changes with OSI-Baltimore staff and your MPN colleagues, including exploration of opportunities to support the evolution of the organization’s long-standing work.
This program is for MPN members only.
The Black Executive Director’s (BLK ED) Network seeks to bridge the funding gap and
Together, as the Maryland Community Foundations Association (MCFA), we speak with one voice in promoting philanthropy to benefit towns, cities and rural areas across the state.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Education Funders Affinity Group for an informational program about the exciting work at Baltimore City Public Schools around the principal pipeline. Dr. Tracey Durant, Executive Director of City Schools Equity Office, will share an overview of their equity-centered pipeline work, priorities for City Schools connected to their successes and strategies to reimagine this work at City Schools, and how this work builds on philanthropic accomplishments along with other successes that helped to position City Schools for this current opportunity with their principal pipeline development. Dr. Durant will be joined by her City Schools team.
Maryland Philanthropy Network is pleased to finally host an open house for members at our office space in Baltimore’s Hampden neighborhood! Our customized 4,000-square-foot office features a polished and comfortable conference room (twice the size as our old one), casual meeting areas, an open kitchen, and over 100 feet of gallery space! This will be a lightly structured opportunity to meet, build relationships with colleagues and MPN staff, and unwind. MPN will provide appetizers and drinks.
Together, as the Maryland Community Foundations Association (MCFA), we speak with one voice in promoting philanthropy to benefit towns, cities and rural areas across the sta
What is the essence of the Maryland funding community? Exponent Philanthropy, which includes all types of lean funders—those who practice philanthropy with few or no staff, is bringing its annual conference to Baltimore in October 2023 and wants to hear from you! Join Exponent Philanthropy’s new CEO Paul D. Daugherty for a conversation about our funding community – our interests, impact, and successes.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for our quarterly peer-to-peer exchange for education funders! Funders will come together in October to discuss funding strategies you are using, thinking through, or exploring, and steps you are taking to evaluate your portfolio.