Baltimore City's Children and Youth Priorities

Baltimore City's Children and Youth Priorities

Thursday, June 29, 2017, 12:00 - 1:30 PM

In November, 2016, 82% of Baltimore City residents voted to guarantee a portion of assessed property to a dedicated youth fund, a bill proposed by City Council President Jack Young. The goal of the fund is to improve the lives of young people in the city's poorer neighborhoods. According to the Baltimore Sun, each fiscal year the city now is required to place at least $0.03 for every $100 of assessable property value in the fund "to be used exclusively for purposes of establishing new and augmenting existing programs for and services to the children and youth of this city." In the coming fiscal year the fund will have about $12 million to spend. Much of that money will be disbursed in the form of grants to community and social service organizations.

Join our panel to learn more about the youth fund and hear about other children and youth priorities of the city. 

Our speakers will be:

  • John Brothers, Youth Fund Task Force Co-Chair;
  • Terry Hickey, Director of Mayor's Office of Human Services;
  • Lester Davis, Council President Jack Young's Deputy Chief of Staff
  • Adam Jackson, Leaders of A Beautiful Struggle

This program is for Maryland Philanthropy Network members and invited guests only. Lunch will be served. 


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