Community Resiliency Centers in Action

Community Resiliency Centers in Action

Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

The Seniors & Housing Collaborative Emergency Response Workgroup is committed to creating connections and partnerships between both Baltimore City / State agencies and community-based organizations to respond more effectively to future emergency situations.

During this meeting, Erica Pinket, the new Climate and Resilience Planner with the Baltimore City Office of Sustainability in the Department of Planning will share her vision for supporting and building Community Resiliency Center Hubs and the very relevant heat mitigation practices they are implementing. Currently there are 18 Centers located throughout Baltimore City neighborhoods, most volunteered-led and many have evolved organically. We have invited representatives from two organizations who are operating as Hubs: Jeff Griffin, Executive Director the Franciscan Center, and Eli Allen and Simon Zimmer with Civic Works. They will talk about their successful and sometimes challenging efforts to build infrastructure, purchase and maintain essential equipment and supplies, and financial support.

The presenters will identify action items and resources the Emergency Response workgroup can partner and assist these the Resiliency Hubs in providing support for outreach and supply distributions. 

This event is for Maryland Philanthropy Network members and invited guests only.