Funders Together to End Homelessness – Baltimore Meeting (06-26-2020)

Funders Together to End Homelessness – Baltimore Meeting (06-26-2020)

Friday, June 26, 2020, 9:00 - 10:00 AM

All funders interested in housing stability and homelessness are welcome to attend the meetings of Funders Together to End Homelessness – Baltimore.

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, this group will be meeting weekly for one hour via RingCentral. The agenda for this meeting will include updates about the two subcommittees' work: COVID-19 Emergency Response and Planning for Post-Isolation Housing; the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program as well as other business.

The purpose of this group is to:

  • Align resources behind the public funding/Resource development strategy to end homelessness in Baltimore City;
  • Have forum to discuss aligned funding, leverage better, understand what funders are doing, and if there are gaps we could fill, etc.;
  • Have a forum for informational sessions with the intention to inform grantmaking.

Sara Muempfer of the Annie E. Casey Foundation and Amy Kleine of the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation are co-chairs of this group.

This meeting is for Maryland Philanthropy Network Members and invited funders only. An agenda will be sent in advance.