Innovative Aging from Vermont to Maryland: The SASH Program
Please join the Affinity Group on Aging as they present another program in their Innovative Aging series. This program will continue their work to establish partnerships between health systems and community based organizations serving older adults in the Baltimore area.
Nancy Rockett Eldridge, Executive Director, National Center for Healthy Housing will speak on Support and Services at Home (SASH). Ms. Eldridge is a nationally recognized expert with 37 years of leadership experience in housing and health policy with a focus on low-income seniors. She developed SASH in Vermont and is now leading its expansion into other states, with Maryland as a potential site.
SASH uses a population health approach to improve the health and well-being of seniors and younger adults with disabilities. SASH creates community-clinical linkages through a network of providers, using the home as the nexus of care coordination. Evaluations have shown that SASH results in better care, healthier participants and smarter use of health care dollars.
This program is for Maryland Philanthropy Network members and invited guests only.