POSTPONED | Conversation with Secretary Jake Day, Department of Housing and Community Development

POSTPONED | Conversation with Secretary Jake Day, Department of Housing and Community Development

Friday, October 11, 2024, 10:00 - 11:00 AM
This program has been postponed. A new date and time will be provided soon. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Join Funders Together to End Homelessness Baltimore (FTEHB) for a conversation with Jacob (Jake) Day, Secretary of the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development. Secretary Day will brief members on Maryland's various efforts to end homelessness as well as the Reinvest Baltimore initiative that is addressing solutions to vacant homes & buildings in Baltimore. This is a unique opportunity for MPN members to share with Secretary Day our thoughts about the priority solutions to end homelessness in Baltimore — such as permanent supportive housing, eviction prevention, addressing youth homelessness, to name a few. Please come prepared to share your strategic thinking on specific projects, funding gaps, and/or program proposals.

FTEHB alumnus, Scott Gottbreht, who serves as DHCD's Assistant Secretary of Policy, will get us up to speed on the State's efforts to increase permanent supportive housing and the State Housing Needs Assessment refresh. Scott will also walk us through some specifics related to Maryland's budget deficit, some resource development strategies to offset the deficit, and specific projects where there are partnership opportunities. This is a not-to-be-missed meeting!

This meeting is for Maryland Philanthropy Network Members and invited guests only.