The Sickening Medical Debt Crisis in Maryland
More than one in four Americans had trouble paying a medical bill. More than half the people who experienced medical bankruptcy stated it was due to hospital bills.
At this program we will explore answers to the following questions: Nationally, what problems do consumers face with debt collection, particularly medical debt collection? In Maryland, what is the role of nonprofit hospitals in serving low-income patients? What is the experience of former patients contending with medical debt in Maryland? Are there disparate impacts for collection by sex, race, ethnicity, and geography? What are promising approaches in community organizing, litigation, and public policy to expand protections for those with medical debt?
Marceline White, Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition-overview of issue and Maryland legislation
Cara Bates, National Nurses United-direct organizing and stories from Baltimore
Emanwel Turnbull, Holland Law Firm-legal issues and cases of medical debt collection in Maryland
This program is for Maryland Philanthropy Network members only. Lunch will be served.