Please join our Health Funders Affinity Group for our annual legislative debrief. Our speakers will summarize the health legislation passed in 2022 as well as the efforts that did not quite make it this year.
Maryland Philanthropy Network is pleased to host this In Our Own Voice workshop, in partnership with the Baltimore affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) to understand the experience of mental health issues from people with lived experience. NAMI Metropolitan Baltimore’s In Our Own Voice aims to change attitudes, assumptions, and stereotypes by describing the reality of living with mental illness. People with mental health conditions share their powerful personal stories in this presentation. We will be joined in this session by Kerry Graves, Executive Director of NAMI Metropolitan Baltimore.
Join the leadership of Healing City Baltimore to learn about its mission, partners, and progress to date and future and to connect with other MPN members interested in trauma-responsive services and healing. To practice self-care and healing together, and as a gift to you from Healing City and MPN, we’ll spend the second half of our time in a mindfulness experience led by Ali Smith of the Holistic Life Foundation.
In April 2017, the City of Baltimore entered into a consent decree with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to address findings related to the Baltimore Police Department’s patterns and practices. Since then, Baltimore City, Baltimore Police Department and multiple partners have come together to map out steps needed to make meaningful and sustainable change. Join Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Health Funders Affinity Group and the Affinity Group on Aging to learn how Baltimore City is transforming the landscape of behavioral health crisis response and providing the tools necessary to reduce unnecessary police interaction with people with mental illness and substance use disorder.
Community Health Workers, Home Health Aides, Personal Care Attendants, and Nursing Assistants are among the direct care workers on the front lines of the Pandemic. COVID-19 spotlighted both an incentive towards accelerating the delivery of care directly in communities and the inequities experienced by direct care and community health workers. During this program, we will have a discussion with David Rodwin of the Public Justice Center and the Maryland Regional Direct Services Collaborative, Dr. Chidinma Ibe, of the Johns Hopkins Schools of Medicine and Public Health. We will learn from our speakers how we can support, advocate, and sustain community health workers and direct home care programs to meet the increasing need to change the delivery of healthcare from institution-based to the community.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Health Funders Affinity Group and the Affinity Group on Aging for the third conversation in our mental health series. Our distinguished panel will share their expertise and intense work to create and sustain a 988 mental health crisis hotline. Together we will explore national and state models and their funding supports, the development plan for the initiative, and learn about Maryland’s need to implement and advocate for its urgency at the 2022 Legislative session. This is a call to action – 988 is not just a phone number – it is a proactive resource for people reaching out for help.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for a conversation at the nexus of education and health. Together, we will explore how schools are responding to children in mental health crisis, how those students are being supported, what this looks like in practice, and ways the philanthropic community can be supportive.
Maryland’s public health policy cuts across all sectors: housing, transportation, education, public works, planning, and community development, and renewed investment in public health is critical to ensure the strength and vitality of all of these sectors. Please join Maryland Philanthropy Network and our distinguished experts for a discussion on how we can collaborate and support a coordinated, equity-focused advocacy agenda to create change in the funding appropriations for public health infrastructure at the state and local levels.
Please join Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Health Funders and Aging Affinity Groups for our first program in a new Mental Health Series. This session will focus on the correlation of the significant increase in diagnosis of dementia felt within communities of color and chronic stress caused by determinants of health. Our guest speakers will also present on new drug therapies (including the controversial Aducnumab), current research, legislative recommendations for Maryland to develop a data-driven, multi-year plan to meet the cognitive and behavioral challenges of the elder boom.
After a robust conversation on Closing the Vaccination Gaps in Our Communities earlier this month.