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Baltimore’s Promise, in part­ner­ship with the Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion and the Har­ry and Jeanette Wein­berg Foun­da­tion, recent­ly announced a pack­age of 10 grants total­ing rough­ly $525,000 through its Youth Grant­mak­ers Ini­tia­tive. The effort, which fea­tured a group of 15 Bal­ti­more-area youth and young adults between the ages of 16 and 25 in promi­nent design and deci­sion-mak­ing roles, grant­ed funds to 10 local orga­ni­za­tions.

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The Baltimore Children and Youth Fund (BCYF) awarded CLLCTIVLY and Maryland Nonprofits $150,000 to pilot the CONNECT program. CONNECT is a nine-month cohort of ten organizations focused on deepening relationships and collaboration among nonprofits to improve organizational sustainability, increase fundraising, and move towards a liberatory framework for serving young people in Baltimore City.

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Independent Sector regularly releases Health of the U.S. Nonprofit Sector reports – an evolving and growing resource of data, analysis, and recommendations about key areas powering more than 1.8 million U.S. nonprofits.

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The Morehead-Cain Scholarship at UNC at Chapel Hill has a Civic Collaboration Summer for rising sophomores, and five scholars were assigned to work with Maryland Philanthropy Network and the Middendorf Foundation. This study looks to explore both the permit and grant processes from the perspectives of nonprofit organizations, foundations, and the Baltimore City Government. By interviewing various stakeholders, the scholars gained insight and understood just how complex these processes were. All sides provided their experiences, which led the scholars to develop key takeaways and recommendations to create a more efficient system.

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The T. Rowe Price Foundation is pleased to announce the release of the 2022 State of the Baltimore Nonprofit Sector Report. As a result of years of collaboration with community partners throughout the city of Baltimore, dozens of data points collected through assessments and surveys, and deep analysis by trusted partners, the State of the Baltimore Nonprofit Sector Report consists of 10 core insights connected to the health and effectiveness of nonprofit organizations.

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Maryland Philanthropy Network and the Middendorf Foundation are proud to announce we are co-hosting a group of Summer Scholars through mid-July from the University of North Carolina Chap
