Established by MacKenzie Scott to share a financial fortune created through the effort of countless people, Yield Giving is named after a belief in adding value by giving up control.
The Donor Advised Fund Research Collaborative (DAFRC) is a consortium of academic and nonprofit researchers.
The Foundation Operations and Management Report from Exponent Philanthropy is the only resource of its kind for foundations operating with few or no staff.
At a time when so many are willing to give up any discussion of America’s past in exchange for a false semblance of civil discourse, a new report from the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy makes the case that foundations have an immediate opportunity and responsibility to address society’s past harm in order to help communities heal and thrive. Cracks in the Foundation: Philanthropy’s Role in Reparations for Black People in the DMV details how the disparities in areas like education, income, employment and housing for Black residents in the District of Columbia, southern Maryland, and northern Virginia areas (commonly known as the DMV) are not random or natural occurrences but are a string of conscious choices that repeatedly harmed communities.
The T. Rowe Price Foundation has announced $6.5 million over three years in grants in support of Baltimore nonprofits.
Collected through FOMR data, surveys, and interviews with members, this report from Exponent Philanthropy centers on the relevance of racial equity to their members’ mission as well as their board and staff demographics.
Join Native Voices Rising, and sponsors Common Councel Foundation and Native Americans in Philanthropy, as they celebrate a decade of transformation and empowerme
Reeling from the news of the attack on Israel, grant makers with close ties to the country pledged to help in its defense and to back efforts to provide humanitarian assistance in the face of war.
Today, Mayor Brandon M.
It’s a transaction that would be commonplace for a corporation or a sports team, but it’s the kind of deal that is practically unheard of in the nonprofit sector.