American Rescue Plan: Strategies for Community Co-Design

American Rescue Plan: Strategies for Community Co-Design

Monday, May 24, 2021, 2:00 - 3:00 PM

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) means billions of dollars to states, cities, and counties, with the aim of helping communities recover from the health and economic setbacks of the pandemic. Past experience has taught us that investment decisions are stronger and more effective when they involve community input. 

Join Census Legacies, Center For Social Innovation at UC Riverside, Independent Sector, Maryland Philanthropy Network, and other philanthropic partners for a conversation exploring how Community Investment Boards can ensure more effective and equitable allocation of American Rescue Plan dollars.

 Register Today!

Recent experiences with census outreach and vaccine equity have shown us that trusted nonprofits are essential for policy effectiveness and ensuring a high degree of constituent legitimacy. It is essential for state and local governments to set up community investment boards (CIBs) that strengthen public-private partnerships and advance equity for frontline communities.

We will explore how Community Investment Boards exemplify that:

  • government efforts work best when they include trusted messengers from faith-based and community-based organizations, and it is vital to continue valuing, resourcing, and empowering these trusted messengers.
  • more inclusive the coalition, the more likely it is to avoid costly mistakes such as duplicating outreach efforts, or leaving gaping voids in particular regions or communities.
  • local and state collaboratives work best when they are able to leverage national dollars with public, private, and philanthropic giving at the state and local level, along with the reach and expertise of nonprofit organizations that are able to move dollars to the most effective partners on the ground with speed and accuracy.
  • the most effective tables are those with representation from local government, philanthropy, media, nonprofits, academia, business, arts as well as community advocates and youth.

Read the Op-ed co-authored by Maggie Gunther Osborn, MPN President and CEO: Needed: Community Investment Boards for an Effective American Rescue Plan.


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