Funder Briefing: Key Bridge Response Update

Funder Briefing: Key Bridge Response Update

Monday, June 10, 2024, 2:00 - 3:30 PM

On March 26, 2024 our region experienced the tragic collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Join us for a virtual conversation to learn about the recovery effort over the past two months including an update on the philanthropic response from the three established funds - Maryland Tough Baltimore Strong Key Bridge Fund at the Baltimore Community Foundation, the City of Baltimore’s Key Bridge Emergency Response Fund, and the Bridging the Gap Fund of United Way of Central Maryland.

We will also have a data presentation from the Baltimore Metropolitan Council on the regional impact of the Key Bridge collapse and the effects on jobs, transportation, and environmental justice. Information shared may also include state updates. The goal of this program is to give participants a sense of state and local priorities, timelines, and processes to better understand where opportunities exist for alignment, collaboration and engagement.

Danista Hunte, President & CEO of Maryland Philanthropy Network, and Dr. Shanaysha Sauls, President & CEO of the Baltimore Community Foundation, will discuss how we can continue to work together to support our community’s recovery.

Additional speakers include:

  • Jonny Dorsey, Moore/Miller Administration
  • Portia Wu, Maryland Department of Labor
  • HyeSook Chung, Baltimore Civic Fund
  • Catalina Rodriguez Lima, Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs - Baltimore
  • Laura Johnson, United Way of Central Maryland
  • Mike Kelly, Baltimore Metropolitan Council


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