This month, the Prenatal to Five Affinity Group will be rejoined by Lieny Jeon, Assistant Professor in the Department of Advanc
Join the leadership of Healing City Baltimore to learn about its mission, partners, and progress to date and future and to connect with other MPN members interested in trauma-responsive services and healing. To practice self-care and healing together, and as a gift to you from Healing City and MPN, we’ll spend the second half of our time in a mindfulness experience led by Ali Smith of the Holistic Life Foundation.
Please join your colleagues to learn more about asset investments and board engagement as part of the Maryland Philanthropy Network and Mission Investors Exchange partnership series.
There is evidence that children born during the pandemic are experiencing significant delays in cognitive, verbal, and motor development. These developmental gaps can be mitigated but need attention right away.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Prenatal to Five Affinity Group for a conversation with Dr.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network and Maryland Nonprofits for a conversation with the City of Baltimore about the recent Abell Foundation's research report that highlighted the challenges facing nonprofit organizations stemming from the City grants and contracts process along with potential solutions. City government leaders will share information about improvements underway with their grants and contracting processes, reforms that the city aims to make in the future, along with a discussion about how the philanthropic community can support those efforts.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Education Funders Affinity Group for a program with the Fund for Educational Excellence to learn about their new report on teacher retention.
The Black Executive Director’s (BLK ED) Network seeks to bridge the funding gap and
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network and the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project for the last webinar in this 6-part series focused on addressing common questions, clarifying misconceptions, and exploring ways to overcome obstacles in implementing trust-based philanthropy. This session will explore the connection and distinction between the two, and why both should be prioritized for trust-based funders. Participants will gain a deeper knowledge on why and how to explicitly prioritize racial equity in your trust-based practices and values.
Held in partnership with the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project, this is the fifth session of a 6-part webinar series on Demystifying Trust-Based Philanthropy. During this session, we will unpack these important nuances and will highlight examples of how grantmakers are relying on rigor and continuous learning to understand impact. Participants can expect to gain a clear understanding of trust-based philanthropy’s three-pronged approach to learning and evaluation, as well as concrete tools they can use to implement in their own work. Each session will provide dedicated space for small-group peer dialogue with other MPN members about ways to implement these practices into your grantmaking.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network and the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project for a 6-part webinar series focused on addressing common questions, clarifying misconceptions, and exploring ways to overcome obstacles i
This is the third session of a 6-part webinar series on trust-based philanthropy focused on addressing common questions, clarifying misconceptions, and exploring ways to overcome obstacles in implementing trust-based philanthropy. In this session, we will explore the notion of risk – and how to reframe our understanding and analysis of risk to consider the reciprocal nature of the funder-grantee relationship. We’ll hear from Stacey Faella, Woodcock Foundation; Shruti Jayaraman, Chicago Beyond; and Mynor Veliz, Headwaters Foundation all funders who have implemented trust-based values and practices in their due diligence process and have identified ways to bridge the gap between donor/board desires and grantee needs.
The Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) Affinity Group invites Maryland Philanthropy Network members to learn more about the successful campaign to secure Medicaid support for HealthySteps in Maryland, while being updated on the state's infant and early childhood mental health collaborative from Kay Connors, Executive Director, Taghi Modarressi Center for Infant Study at the University of MD School of Medicine. The meeting will also offer updates on upcoming opportunities for funder collaboration to support the Blueprint's Pillar One and strengthen the childcare workforce.
The Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) Affinity Group was created to help funders who are interested in supporting expectant parents, and children from birth through age five and their families improve their grantmaking by learning more about initiatives, educational research, and best practices.
Maryland Philanthropy Network members interested in attending for the first time are encouraged to reach out to Marlo Nash prior to attending a meeting.
This meeting has been cancelled so PN5 members may join Senator Ben Cardin from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM for a virtual Town Hall hosted by Maryland Nonprofits. For information, please visit
The Prenatal-to-Five (PN-5) Affinity Group was created to help funders who are interested in supporting expectant parents, and children from birth through age five and their families improve their grantmaking by learning more about initiatives, educational research, and best practices.
The Black Executive Director’s (BLK ED) Network seeks to bridge the funding gap and
This September, the American Visionary Art Museum (AVAM) welcomes only its second director in its 30+-year history with the appointment of Jenenne Whitfield by the Board of Directors to succeed Founder, Director and Primary Curator Rebecca Alban Hoffberger. Join the Arts Funders Affinity Group for a conversation with Ms. Whitfield to learn about her vision for AVAM, the current state of the museum, and other pertinent issues. Funders of arts and culture will have the opportunity to build relationships with one another and share their interests as well.
The Surdna Foundation announced today a nearly $13 million commitment to support artists of color working to advance racial justice within their local communities.
Please join Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Maryland Aging Innovations Group for the 2023 Summit to encourage Maryland’s commitment to develop a multisector plan for aging that will engage and impact all Maryland residents. Along with sharing the local ‘age-friendly’ framework urban and rural Area Agencies on Aging are implementing; participants will hear about New York’s innovative efforts in creating a state-wide resource that transforms the infrastructure and coordination of services for a rapidly aging population and people with disabilities. We’ll end with inspirational Creative Arts Projects for older adults!
After three years, we are delighted to offer this event in-person at the beautiful Vollmer Center at Cylburn Arboretum.
Over the past 2 years, Exponent Philanthropy worked with six foundations to survey more than 400 nonprofits to learn what lean funders do well and where they can improve.