Please join Maryland Philanthropy Network for a reception to recognize and wish farewell to Shannen Coleman Siciliano, our Education Funders Affinity Group Coordinator, as she departs Charm City for the Windy City.
Foundations, governments, and crowdfunding platforms show how Opportunity Zones can live up to their promise of making investors money while helping struggling communities across the United States.
With the inaugural Diversity Among Philanthropic Professionals (DAPP) Survey, Funders for LGBTQ Issues asked participants to identify their role within their foundation, their age, gender identity, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, and disability status. This report, produced through a partnership between EPIP, CHANGE Philanthropy, and Funders for LGBTQ Issues, lays out the results of the DAPP survey in aggregate form.
Foundations on the Hill (FOTH), presented by United Philanthropy Forum, is a multi-day event that brings together foundation leaders from across the country to DC for meetings with Congress about key issues of importance to foundations and philanthropy.
A key ingredient of success for any nonprofit is solid board governance. And that requires a blend of intellect, reputation, resources, and access — and that board members faithfully exercise their fiduciary duties.
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation today announced $4 million in emergency grant funding as the Foundation’s initial response to the developing COVID-19 public health crisis.
We are living in an unprecedented, unpredictable, and scary time. It is hard for all of us.
Josh Starr, CEO of PDK International, previously served as superintendent in the Montgomery County public schools in Maryland and in Stamford, Conn.
During this crisis, local philanthropy has an essential role to play in bolstering a pillar of their local economies: child care.
The Prenatal to Five Impact Collaborative (PN-5 Impact Collaborative) meets each month.
Please join us for a discussion regarding the new report by Open Society Institute-Baltimore, “Young, Gifted and Underfunded: Strengthening the Relationship Between Philanthropy and Youth-Led Movements”. We'll hear an overview of the report from project director Glenn Love of Equivolve Consulting and begin a conversation about building better relationships between funders and young activists.
This peer group is focused on raising awareness about critical human service needs, sharing information on new and current strategies to keep vulnerable residents from falling into crisis, and fostering coordination of services among providers. T
Maryland Philanthropy Network members are invited to join the Green Funders Affinity Group welcome Ken Cook, Founder and President of the Environmental Working Group. The mission of EWG is to use the power of pub
Michael Sarbanes, Baltimore City Schools' Executive Director of Partnerships, Communications and Community Engagement, will join us for our monthly meeting to discuss opportunities for and the status of partnerships between the philanthropic commu
The Baltimore City Sustainability Plan which came out in early 2009 catalogues the City's manyenvironmental and urban greening initiatives.
During Summer 2017, City Schools revealed a new strategic plan, "City Schools' Blueprint for Success." Education fun
Join us to learn more about important milestones before and during the 2020 Census, and ways your foundation can support "Get Out the Count" activities, including participation in state and local Complete Count Committees.
The use of the nonprofit form 990 to evaluate a nonprofit organization's financial health is becoming routine - even computerized - with easy access to and
A full day professional development workshop for Mid-Atlantic grantmakers taught by our region's experienced practitioners! Presented by Maryland Philanthropy Network every year.