Tuesday, April 12, 2022 at 01:00 to 02:45 PM

Public budgets are one of the most important policy instruments of our government. They are moral documents that reflect our values and priorities through decisions on how to tax residents and businesses and spend those collective resources. These decisions impact what families have to spend on basic needs and invest in their future, define the size of the government and its role in the national economy, and affect the lives of all Americans. Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for a special screening and discussion to learn about and discuss why federal and state budget and tax work matters to national, state, and local philanthropy. 

Tuesday, April 05, 2022 at 12:00 to 12:00 AM

Foundations on the Hill (FOTH) is an annual opportunity for grantmakers and regional associations to meet with their federal lawmakers to personally discuss their work with members of Congress. The next Foundations on the Hill will take place virtually April 5-7. Through a mix of virtual meetings, digital advocacy opportunities, and social media engagement, Foundations on the Hill attendees and advocates will take sector legislative priorities directly to members of Congress, sharing the vision of a courageous philanthropic sector that catalyzes a just and equitable society where all can participate and prosper. 

Monday, February 28, 2022 at 02:00 to 03:30 PM

Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Education Funders Affinity Group for a discussion with Senator Paul Pinsky and leading education advocates about the 2022 Legislative Session. Senator Pinsky will share information about K-12 education legislation under review and the role of philanthropy in K-12 education in support of public funding efforts. Advocates will share education bills they are working on and a status update from their perspectives on the implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future. We will also hear from the charter school community to learn their policy priorities and how they are impacted by the COVID-19 public health crisis, the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, and the influx of state and federal dollars.

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Tuesday, November 30, 2021 at 01:30 to 03:00 PM

The philanthropic sector must understand the necessity for advocacy and public policy as a core element in their grantmaking for real impact. Join Maryland Philanthropy Network and our speakers to learn about navigating advocacy in the philanthropic landscape and how foundations take on advocacy efforts as well as explore how funders support advocates that are important especially considering current events. 

Monday, May 24, 2021 at 02:00 to 03:00 PM

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) means billions of dollars to states, cities, and counties, with the aim of helping communities recover from the health and economic setbacks of the pandemic. Past experience has taught us that investment decisions are stronger and more effective when they involve community input. Join Census Legacies, Center For Social Innovation at UC Riverside, Independent Sector, Maryland Philanthropy Network, and other philanthropic partners for a conversation exploring how Community Investment Boards can ensure more effective and equitable allocation of American Rescue Plan dollars.

Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 12:00 to 12:00 AM

Foundations on the Hill (FOTH) is an annual opportunity for grantmakers and regional associations to meet with their federal lawmakers to personally discuss their work with members of Congress. The next Foundations on the Hill will take place virtually March 16 - 18 and 23 - 25, 2021. Through a mix of virtual meetings, digital advocacy opportunities, and social media engagement, Foundations on the Hill attendees and advocates will take sector legislative priorities directly to members of Congress, sharing the vision of a courageous philanthropic sector that catalyzes a just and equitable society where all can participate and prosper. 
