A growing number of grant makers of all ideologies see restoring constructive dialogue among citizens and fairness at the ballot box as vital to their cause.
Foundations, governments, and crowdfunding platforms show how Opportunity Zones can live up to their promise of making investors money while helping struggling communities across the United States.
Foundation and nonprofit leaders have been stepping forward in recent days to denounce racist tweets from Donald Trump.
Article 1, Section 2 of the United States Constitution mandates an enumeration every ten years of a jurisdiction’s population to apportion congressional representation to the states. Pursuant to Section 141 of Title 13 of the United States Code, the next Federal Decennial Census of the population and housing will be taken on April 1, 2020.
From where Barbara Ehrenreich sits, 2019 represents the latest sad act in an ongoing tragedy.
This weekend’s misinformed, racist tirades made it clear that Donald Trump doesn’t consider Baltimore part of his America. The Baltimore President Trump sees is a racist caricature of urban blight.
Baltimore faces many challenges, but I believe most Baltimoreans would agree that the city’s No. 1 challenge is its murder (and shooting) rate.
Watergate never happened. Members of the British parliament never padded their expenses. Facebook is just for keeping up with friends.
The Community Foundation of Frederick County completed the [2018 Frederick County Human Needs Assessment], which involved interviews with local leaders, creating focus groups, gathering local research and administering an online survey.
April is the official month for recognizing the contributions, talents, time, energy, and resourcefulness of the millions of volunteers who contribute in countless ways to society.