
Low levels of diversity in the senior ranks of foundations have proven to be a stubborn challenge for the field of philanthropy.  A report by Forward Change takes an important step toward a deeper understanding of the career pathways of professionals of color in philanthropy—how they enter foundations, how they advance across their careers, and what factors affect their advancement within the sector.

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Racial equity is crucial to effective philanthropy, and lean foundations—those with few or no staff—are uniquely positioned to make a significant impact. Exponent Philanthropy's 2024 publication, “Racial Equity in Lean Foundations: The Lean Funder’s Equity Journey,” delves into how these foundations are incorporating racial equity into their work to drive better decisions, achieve more equitable outcomes, and amplify their philanthropic impact.

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At a time when so many are willing to give up any discussion of America’s past in exchange for a false semblance of civil discourse, a new report from the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy makes the case that foundations have an immediate opportunity and responsibility to address society’s past harm in order to help communities heal and thrive. Cracks in the Foundation: Philanthropy’s Role in Reparations for Black People in the DMV details how the disparities in areas like education, income, employment and housing for Black residents in the District of Columbia, southern Maryland, and northern Virginia areas (commonly known as the DMV) are not random or natural occurrences but are a string of conscious choices that repeatedly harmed communities.  

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Maryland Philanthropy Network (MPN) is focused on funders in Maryland, and we know we live in an interconnected world where our network reaches out across the globe supporting communities near and far. We have members who are grieving, who are leading and/or supporting relief efforts, and others who aren’t sure how to engage yet. For times like these, we want to take a moment to share how MPN can help you navigate this current crisis.
