All grantmakers are invited to participate in this four-part professional development series taught by our region's experienced practitioners, presented by Maryland Philanthropy Network. Session Three will cover understanding nonprofit financial statements with Jennifer Pedroni, Director at BDO FMA. Participants will learn how to read and understand budgets and financial statements to assess the health of an organization. They will also learn what questions to ask and understand how to interpret the numbers based on a nonprofit organization's age, mission, or funding streams.
Together, as the Maryland Community Foundations Association (MCFA), we speak with one voice in promoting philanthropy to benefit towns, cities and rural areas across the sta
All grantmakers are invited to participate in this four-part professional development series taught by our region's experienced practitioners, presented by Maryland Philanthropy Network. Session Two will cover funding recommendations and due diligence and legal and ethical issues. Participants will learn the art of grantmaking, balancing organizational values and goals, trustees’ interests, applicant relationships, and best practices in due diligence to better review and recommend grant proposals. Participants will also be introduced to key legal and ethical issues in grantmaking through scenarios and MPN’s Guiding Principles.
All grantmakers are invited to participate in this four-part professional development series taught by our region's experienced practitioners, presented by Maryland Philanthropy Network. Session 1 will cover the philanthropic ecosystem. Participants will get to know one another, locate their own foundation or giving program within the broader context of philanthropy, and reflect on their organizations’ areas of interests and goals, as well as ways to communicate with potential grantees and partners.
All funders interested in housing stability and homelessness are welcome to attend the meetings of Funders Together to End Homelessness – Baltimore.
All Maryland Philanthropy Network members are invited to join Julia Baez and Janelle Gendrano of Baltimore’s Promise, Sara Cooper of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and Youth Advisors Cesia Calero and J’Naya Harris to hear about and discuss the Youth and Young Adult Grantmaking Initiative, a new participatory and collaborative funding opportunity. This youth-led grantmaking structure enables young people to allocate resources that directly impact themselves and their peers. It also incorporates capacity building, coaching, technical assistance, and compensation for Youth Grantmakers.
Together, as the Maryland Community Foundations Association (MCFA), we speak with one voice in promoting philanthropy to benefit towns, cities and rural areas across the sta
All funders interested in housing stability and homelessness are welcome to attend the meetings of Funders Together to End Homelessness – Baltimore.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for a discussion rooted in adrienne maree brown’s book Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds (pages 103 - 165) but reading the book is not necessary. This month’s discussion will focus on the three elements of emergent strategy including, "Nonlinear and Iterative: the pace and pathways of change", "Resilience: how we recover and transform", and "Creating More Possibilities: how we move towards life".
Giving circle leaders are invited to the twelfth annual Giving Circle Connector Gathering. The dozens of giving circles in our region will gather virtually to connect and learn from one another about a variety of issues important to giving circles. This year's theme will be “We’re all in this Together” with a special presentation by Sara Lomelin, Executive Director of Philanthropy Together focused on leading a movement to diversify and democratize philanthropy and support Race Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion work within giving circles.