Join the Funders Together to End Homelessness - Baltimore for a virtual meeting on the City’s response to the needs of Baltimore’s homeless population during the COVID-19 pandemic.
All funders interested in housing stability and homelessness are welcome to attend the meetings of Funders Together to End Homelessness – Baltimore.
The purpose of this group is to:
All funders interested in housing stability and homelessness are welcome to attend the quarterly meetings of Funders Together to End Home
Maryland Philanthropy Network members are invited to read, The Alternative: Most of What You Believe About Poverty Is Wrong, by Mauricio Lim Miller and join us for a discussion
The Basic Human Needs Affinity Group seeks to raise awareness about critical human service needs, to share information about new and current strategies to keep vulnerable residents from falling into crisis, and to foster the coordination of servic
Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Basic Human Needs Affinity Group invites you to an update about the Journey Home, Baltimore’s Plan to make homelessness rare and brief, and the Continuum of Care Board.
Have you met ALICE®? ALICE is an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.
Every year in Baltimore City, approximately 150,000 eviction cases are filed by landlords.
Matthew Desmond’s new book, Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City tells the story of eight families on the edge.
Over the course of this decade, two economic downturns translated into a significant rise in poverty, across the country.