Join Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Education Funders Affinity Group for a conversation about the Comprehensive Implementation Plan for the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future. We will explore questions around the implications of the plan for Maryland schools and ways the philanthropic community can be supportive. Members will hear from Rachel Hise, executive director of the Blueprint Accountability Implementation Board, who has extensive knowledge around plans related to the 5 pillars that undergird the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future. Additional AIB members who will join Rachel on the panel are Isiah “Ike” Leggett (chair) and Dr. Brit Kirwan (co-chair)
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Education Funders and Prenatal to Five Affinity Groups to learn about "mixed delivery systems" of care that connect across multiple programs, providers, and settings (including public schools and community-based organizations) that can be supported with a combination of public funds and private funds. Our speakers will share possible avenues for a system of mixed delivery in Baltimore and across Maryland along with potential next steps. Space will be created for dialogue between funders about steps you can take together around early care and education.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for our quarterly peer-to-peer exchange for education funders! Funders will come together in October to discuss funding strategies you are using, thinking through, or exploring, and steps you are taking to evaluate your portfolio.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Education Funders Affinity Group for a conversation with Maryland State Superintendent Mohammed Choudhury. This will be an opportunity to learn Mr. Choudhury’s goals for the Maryland State Department of Education, anticipated needs for the upcoming school year, along with an opportunity to explore the role of philanthropy in supporting public education in our state. Members are encouraged to share questions prior to the session to maximize time with Mr. Choudhury.
Maryland Philanthropy Network is pleased to host Dr. Sonja Santelises, Chief Executive Officer of the Baltimore City Public School System, for our annual conversation with the Education Funders Affinity Group. Dr. Santelises will discuss the plan for the upcoming school year and highlight how philanthropy can best support the District. Members are encouraged to share questions prior to the session to maximize time with Dr. Santelises.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network's Education Funders Affinity Group to hear from leaders of Baltimore City Public Schools about strategies and emerging models they are engaging to improve older youth literacy. They will be joined by Theme Reads, a program at the Success for All Foundation in partnership with Johns Hopkins University, who will share information about their model for working with older students, what’s unique about working with high school students, how their work differs from traditional models, their work with Baltimore City Schools, and program outcomes. This session begins a series of upcoming conversations for the fall focusing on high school age youth.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for our quarterly peer-to-peer exchange for education funders! Topics for June are the following:
Join us for a conversation with the leadership of the Baltimore Summer Funding Collaborative where we will learn how the Collaborative is thinking about their work, hear updates on what was funded and not funded in the latest grant cycle, key them
The second in our two-part series will focus on practitioner perspectives on teacher retention, challenges, and opportunities.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for the first in a two-part series on the teacher pipeline. The onslaught of the pandemic has created a crisis in the classroom with school systems at-risk of losing educators.