Low math and literacy skills disqualify many men and women from training programs that provide occupational skills needed to acquire family sustaining employment.
At this Maryland Philanthropy Network program, we will hear about the Sustainable Workforce Model from Laura Roberts of the Rockefeller Foundation and Liddy Romero of the Denver-based WorkLife Partnership.
The Maryland Philanthropy Network is pleased to host Dr. Sonja Santelises, Chief Executive Officer of the Baltimore City Public School System, for an annual conversation with the CEO of Baltimore City Schools.
Maryland Philanthropy Network continues to look for ways in which funders can stay engaged with public policy in the off-season to help affect systemic change in education. To that end, we are hosting a conversation with Dr. William E. (Brit) Kirwan for a discussion on the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education.
Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Basic Human Needs Affinity Group invites you to an update about the Journey Home, Baltimore’s Plan to make homelessness rare and brief, and the Continuum of Care Board.
Baltimore’s Promise is launching a Career Readiness Demonstration Model in partnership with the Mayor’s Office of Employment Development (MOED) and Baltimore City Schools.
Please join us for a conversation with Barbara J. Bazron, Ph.D, Deputy Secretary of the Behavioral Health Administration (BHA). Dr.
Join our panel to learn more about the youth fund and hear about other children and youth priorities of the city.
Join the Education Affinity Group for a follow-up program to learn about outcomes from this year's state legislative session.
Please join the Maryland Philanthropy Network Workforce Affinity Group where we will hear from Elisabeth Sachs, Job Opportunities Task Force; Robin McKinney, Maryland CASH Campaign; John Nethercut