Our cultural institutions are struggling to overcome the negative narrative that surrounds Baltimore and the very real impact it has on attendance and financial support. Even as our institutions are striving to be increasingly intentional in thei
The arts in Maryland provide countless opportunities for learning, cultural enrichment, and community impact. Major cultural institutions and burgeoning small and mid-sized cultural institutions are working to be relevant and attractive to diverse audiences, while oftentimes vying for the same limited resources.
Maryland Philanthropy Network members interested in Baltimore’s Arts and Entertainment Districts are invited to meet with Chris Ryer, Director of Planning for Baltimore City. Mr.
Attention all Maryland Philanthropy Network members funding in arts and culture!
All funders interested in community development, workforce development, affordable housing and the creative arts are welcome to attend this briefing. Part presentation, part workshop, this briefing will lift up a new model for community growth; one that increases the impact for low- and moderate-income families while bringing vital services back into historically marginalized neighborhoods.
Attention all Maryland Philanthropy Network members funding in arts and culture! Please join us at this session where participants will share with one other their current focus areas, some grant information and questions/struggles. Together we will plan learning programs and other activities for the Arts Funders Affinity Group in 2018.
The GEOLOOM co>map is an online map that highlights arts and culture activities and organizations in Baltimore.
Mayor Pugh formed the Safe Art Space Task Force in late December, 2016 after the tragic fire at the Ghost Ship artist collective in Oakland, California and closure of the Bell Foundry in Baltimore’s Station North Arts and Entertai
Join a conversation with Brett Egan, President of the DeVos Institute, about this program and what the Institute is learning related to the capacity of arts organizations in Baltimore. We’ll also discuss the interests of Maryland Philanthropy Network members and how we can advance the diverse arts and cultural sector in our region toward long-term sustainability.
The annual economic impact of the arts in Baltimore is $148,000,000 and 18,200 volunteers annually volunteer to bring arts and culture activities to our community. We know this and other arts information from the Maryland Cultural Data Project, a