Join us for a conversation with Laura Weeldreyer, Executive Director of Maryland Family Network, and some of our region’s child care providers to shed light on how national predictions are playing out in Maryland. Participants will learn how to support the safe, responsible re-opening of child care across the state, as well as how we rebuild a stronger and more sustainable industry made for all children and their caregivers.
The Affinity Group on Aging invites funders of older adult issues and key non-profit organizations to discuss ways to partner to meet the needs of older adults during these challenging times.
This year, Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Health Funders will be conducting a series of programs exploring Social Determinants of Health topics, to better understand the roles of all funder groups in advancing health equity.
Join us as we engage in a consultative session with Councilman Cohen, Tisha Edwards, Bryonna Harris, Karen Webber, and Dr. Michael Sinclair to discuss how we make a systemic shift to prevent and address trauma city-wide and engage in collective healing at a personal and community level.
Please join the Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Health Funders for a conversation about alternative policing strategies for behavioral health. We will receive an overview of the behavioral health components of the Consent Decree, and discuss the potential alternatives needed in the system of care to promote diversion. We will hear from Crista Taylor, President and CEO of Behavioral Health System Baltimore, Terry Hickey, from the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, and Lieutenant Colonel Monique Brown of the Baltimore City Police Department’s Neighborhood Patrol Division – the CPIC leaders.
Maryland Philanthropy Network is pleased to welcome Dr. Letitia Dzirasa, Health Commissioner of Baltimore City, for a conversation with members. Dr. Dzirasa began her role as Health Commissioner in March 2019.
Community Science is a research technique that encourages scientific democracy, accessibility, and accuracy through crowdsourced data collection.
Join the Affinity Group on Aging as we present another program in our Innovative Aging series.
Please join Health Funders to hear outcomes from this year’s legislative session.
Our region’s substance use crisis exists at the intersection of public policy, public health, and criminal justice issues.