Earlier this month, the Horizon Foundation communications team, Cat Harmon and Kerry Darragh, flew off to Kansas City to join ComNet24, the annual nationwide conference for communications professi
On September 26th, Baltimore Community Foundation welcomed supporters, fundholders, and community partners to our downtown offices for the launch of Community Connections, a new networking series designed to foster intimate discussion, le
According to Chapin Hall, 1 in 10 young adults — or 3.5 million people in the United States between the ages of 18 and 25 — experience some form of homelessness.
Enterprise Community Partners (Enterprise) today announced a historic $65 million grant from philanthropist MacKenzie Scott, marking her second major donation to the non-profit.
The Funders Network (TFN) will host its 25th Anniversary Conference: Be Bold Together in Baltimore on March 17-19, 2025.
TFN is a robust network of funders engaged in a broad spectrum of philanthropic work across North America, from small, rural community organizations to large urban foundations.
Their Baltimore gathering will bring together place-based, regional and national funders to deepen their learning, share their strategies and broaden their professional networks. TFN’s equity-centered learning agenda is designed to inspire the bold philanthropic leadership, courageous action and meaningful collaboration needed to help unlock environmental, economic and racial justice.
The Annie E. Casey Foundation has announced a $3 million impact investment in the Renter Wealth Creation Fund, which aims to preserve affordable housing while helping renters build assets and savings.
Philanthropy California is an alliance of Northern California Grantmakers, Southern California Grantmakers, and Catalyst of San Diego and Imperial Counties.
View materials from "Digital Equity in Baltimore and the COVID-19 Crisis"
60 years after Brown vs the Board of Education, American public schools are more segregated today than in 1968. In the state of Maryland, 9 out of every 10 black Maryland students and 8 out of every 10 Latino students attends a majority-minority school. 1 of every 4 black Maryland students attends a school that is 99-100% minority. Segregating poor, minority children in high poverty schools increases educational inequities.
Join us for a presentation providing an overview of the current fiscal sponsor landscape in Maryland, the purpose and difference between fiscal agency and fiscal sponsorship, and national standards and best practices.
This program has been CANCELED. We apologize for any inconvenience | Please join your nonprofit colleagues for a conversation with Melissa Varanko, an experienced Certified Public Accountant. This conversation will include an overview of tax filing requirements and expectations, tips, recommendations for getting ahead of tax filing, and helpful resources to support your nonprofit’s tax preparation process.
Please join your nonprofit colleagues for a conversation with Melissa Curtin, a licensed Standards for Excellence consultant, experienced social sector leader, coach, and nonprofit strategy consultant. This workshop will focus on effective development and management tools for nonprofit boards. The workshop will include key practices for selecting board members, understanding and communicating board roles and responsibilities, and executive management skills of board coordination and leadership.
Please join your nonprofit colleagues for a presentation with Kesha-Simone Jones, an experienced Certified Public Accountant, and financial architect.
In our latest report, Scaling Workforce Development Programming in Baltimore, Linda Dworak of the Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative explores opportunities to scale up effective workforce development programming in Baltimore.
The 2020 Legislative Session in Maryland will address major issues affecting nonprofits and the people and communities we serve, including the funding of education, the impact of federal policies on Maryland’s government services, and protection of health and the environment. Join Maryland Philanthropy Network and Maryland Nonprofits for this informational program to learn how your work may be affected by policies and decisions made in 2020.
This program has been postponed. We apologize for any inconvenience.
The media is full of the economic consequences of the coronavirus. Here in the United States, 40 million people have lost jobs. Prominent businesses—from Hertz to J. Crew—have declared bankruptcy.
Join us for a presentation by Dr. Andre Perry, author of Know Your Price: Valuing Black Lives and Property in America’s Black Cities. Dr. Perry will be joined by Stephanie Smith, Baltimore City’s Assistant Director for Equity, Engagement and Communications and Maryland State Delegate, to discuss how government, corporate, non-profit, and philanthropic sectors in the Baltimore region could restore value to communities by adopting a new paradigm for determining and building value and wealth in Baltimore’s Black communities.
Have you met ALICE®? ALICE is an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. The earnings of Maryland ALICE individuals and families are not enough to support a “survival budget” that is more than twice the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). Join us to hear about ALICE in Maryland, the findings from these reports, and discuss the implications in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and its devastating economic impact on our residents.