When place-based funders from 12 regions across the country formed a learning group in 2020, chronicled in this five-part series, they shared practical, tactical steps to grapple with a range of thorny questions. When they turned to engaging stakeholders, the funders focused on three core challenges to building community partnerships.
Maryland Philanthropy Network invites the staff and board members of nonprofit 501(c)3 organizations and social enterprises to our recurring program on foundations and the broader landscape of philanthropy in Maryland. This learning opportunity is most appropriate to new grantseekers and to nonprofit organizations in Baltimore and central Maryland. The webinar provides basic knowledge of foundations and other grantmakers and resources for finding funders/funding opportunities.
The Aspen Institute’s Program on Philanthropy & Social Innovation (PSI) released a new report it commissioned, Stories
Independent Sector, in partnership with Edelman Data & Intelligence, released a third annual report of exclusive survey findings that explore the nuances of trust in American nonprofit, philanthropic organizations, and other institutions. The report also provides recommendations on how we can do better.
During this interactive virtual session, corporate grantmakers are invited to hear from members of the Corporate Racial Equity Alliance design team and Sarah Keh at Prudential Financial, who will share examples and lessons learned from the company’s efforts to advance racial equity within Newark, where it is headquartered. In facilitated small group discussions, you will have a chance to reflect and brainstorm with regional peers.
Baltimore has long benefited from the place-based investments of our philanthropic community. The Community Investment Affinity Group and others who invest in place are invited to hear about two newer initiatives led, in part, by MPN members:
Earlier this summer, Senators Angus King (I-ME) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) introduced the Accelerating Charitable Efforts Act (ACE), a bipartisan piece of legislati
The Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative recently signed onto a national statement on good jobs. The broadly shared, widely endorsed definition of what constitutes a good job was released by the Good Jobs Champions Group, convened by the Families and Workers Fund and the Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program, in October 2022. Signed by over 100 leaders from business, labor, policy, philanthropy, academia, and workforce development it represents a historic step forward toward a future in which all work is valued; no one working full-time lives in or near poverty; companies and workers thrive alongside each other; and diverse talent is never overlooked.
“Foundation Giving for Disability: Priorities and Trends”, a rigorous new study commissioned by the Disability & Philanthropy Forum, is the first study of its kind to map philanthropic giving for disability causes. The report goes beyond big-picture dollar figures to point out key imbalances within philanthropy, most notably the minuscule amount of support and action to advance social justice for people with disabilities across the spectrum of funding.
Maryland Philanthropy Network members are invited to join representatives from B’more Invested, InFusion Community Grants, Youth as Resources, and other participatory grantmakers for an engaging discussion about what they are learning, especially about decision-making structures, coaching, compensation, and the power of allocating resources that directly impact their neighbors and peers. We’ll also discuss how the Ground Root Collective is collaborating on efforts to strengthen the social sector by supporting applicants and grantees before, during, and after grant cycles. If you are curious about or have joined in participatory grantmaking, this is time to dig in and explore this practice and the implications of being more participatory!
Over eight years of producing 11 Trends in Philanthropy, the Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy team has combed the landscape of nonprofits and foundations for the most visible signs of a trend — the increased grant dollars, the emerging networks, familiar voices speaking up. This year’s trends share a familiar wealth of examples, data, quotes, and research publications that can help us all anticipate the vectors of change. But at the core of 11 Trends in Philanthropy for 2024, readers will find a set of questions rather than answers. Check out the report for yourself to see what questiosn the field will wrestle with in 2024.
Maryland Philanthropy Network will celebrate all the administrative professionals in our network with a special luncheon and two-part workshop. Gather with your philanthropic peers to learn about managing up, down, and across the organization from Dr. Rebecca Cisek of the Banium Family Foundation. Then, Terrarium Therapy will lead participants in a workshop to create beautiful, long-lasting succulent terrariums to take back to their offices to enjoy.
Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Member Directory for Grantseekers
The directory is your local resource to the specific interests and contacts at private foundations and corporate giving programs in central Maryland – including private foundations that do not review proposals. Members of the Maryland Philanthropy Network' provide their own information to simplify your grant research. The directory does not rely on public databases.
Maternal and child health has been in the news a lot recently, for all the wrong reasons. The maternal mortality rate in the United States is rising, and racial disparities are widening over time.
Lack of reliable transportation to work is one of the most vexing barriers for individuals seeking careers across the Baltimore region.
Lack of reliable transportation to work is one of the most vexing barriers for career seekers and businesses.
This fall, the Workforce Community Conversations group is focused on the lack of reliable transportation to work as one of the most vexing barriers for individuals seeking careers across the Baltimore region.
The Black Executive Director’s (BLK ED) Network seeks to bridge the funding gap and