The driving question in Wilnelia Rivera’s work is “What makes women of color successful?”
This meeting has been canceled.
All funders interested in housing stability and homelessness are welcome to attend the meetings of Funders Together to End Homelessness – Baltimore.
This meeting will now take place via Ring Central meetings.
Through the Peace and Security Funding Index, Candid and the Peace and Security Funders Group aim to illuminate the field of peace and security grantmaking and provide a nuanced understanding of the issues and strategies peace and security funders support.
For the uninitiated, “managing up” is a relatively new concept that takes traditional management structures and principles and turns them upside down.
Our cultural institutions are struggling to overcome the negative narrative that surrounds Baltimore and the very real impact it has on attendance and financial support. Even as our institutions are striving to be increasingly intentional in thei
Across our field, in politics, in business, and in our communities, Americans are questioning the very nature of philanthropy and probing its core value.
Our sector’s addiction to intellectualizing, equivocating, risk-avoiding, and time-wasting is lethal, and there are few places where this is more present than within philanthropy.
Join Maryland Philanthropy Network for our 2020 Advocacy Day in Annapolis. This trip to Annapolis is an opportunity for Maryland Philanthropy Network members to learn how they can impact systems-change by observing the legislative session, learning about the legislative process firsthand, building relationships with legislators, and educating members of the legislature.
U.S. Census Bureau staff took their first counts in Toksook Bay, Alaska, last month, officially beginning the 2020 Census. Counting in Maryland will start April 1. Are we ready?
This 60-minute call is to discuss the role that the Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative can play over the next weeks/months during the COVID-19 crisis.
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield will contribute $2 million to area nonprofits serving the needs of communities during t
It’s only been a few weeks, but COVID-19 has already caused incalculable and potentially irreversible damage to the nonprofit arts world. Theaters are dark, museums are shuttered, work has dried up, and revenue has evaporated.
This 60-minute call is to discuss the role that the Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative can play over the next weeks/months during the COVID-19 crisis.
This 60-minute call is to discuss the role that the Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative can play over the next weeks/months during the COVID-19 crisis.
This 60-minute call is to discuss the role that the Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative can play over the next weeks/months during the COVID-19 crisis.
The Open Society Foundations will provide $1 million in direct financial and other emergency support for workers in Baltimore who have been hit hard by COVID-19 and are at greatest risk of falling into extreme hardship, including those who are unemployed and the formerly incarcerated.
This 60-minute call is to discuss the role that the Baltimore Workforce Funders Collaborative can play over the next weeks/months during the COVID-19 crisis.