The Bainum Family Foundation recently announced its largest investment ever: a $100 million, five-year commitment for early childhood education.
The Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County's (CFAAC) Community Crisis Response Fund is proud to announce that it recently awarded the third cycle of rapid response grant funding to 28 nonprofits totaling $65,622; the largest
Welcome to the space for Maryland Philanthropy Network’s Black Executive Directors, Presidents, CEOs and experienced staff to connect, offer mutual support, and deepen relationships. As leaders and decision-makers in your foundations, you are bridge-builders, trend-spotters, and changemakers with the space to innovate while also keeping the long-game in mind. Join the conversation to learn and share your challenges and successes with peers.
The Woodside Foundation and the Caplis Family Fund invite grantmakers who manage or fund private scholarship programs, to be aware of the practice of scholarship award displacement.
This event has been canceled. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Baltimore is brimming with potential, but because of historic segregation, disinvestment, and persistent racial discrimination, we have yet to fully realize all we can be. The Abell Foundation is committed to improving health, economic, and educational outcomes in Baltimore City so that all people can thrive.
Last month, I was fortunate enough to attend the first of a four-part Redefining Capital series hosted by the Federal Reserve of Richmond/Baltimore Branch and a number of community partners — including, proudly, the Maryland Philanthropy Network.
View materials from "Maryland Community Foundations Quarterly Meeting - September 2019"
Source: Baltimore Business Journal
A message to the Maryland Philanthropy Network membership from our President and CEO Danista E. Hunte.
A message to the Maryland Philanthropy Network membership from our President and CEO Danista E. Hunte.
On Saturday, July 7, downtown Westminster will host its first LGBTQ+ pride event, as the Westminster Pride Festival fills the 200 block of East Main Street between Church and Court Streets.
A city of neighborhoods defined by compass points, Baltimore is known for its unique culture, but more widely for drugs and violence.
Read the latest update from the Baltimore Integration Partnership, a project of the Maryland Philanthropy Network.
The School-Centered Neighborhood Investment Initiative is a strategic effort to leverage the 21st Century Buildings program $1.1 billion investment in schools construction and renovation through the alignment of resources, partners, and programs that can support transformational neighborhood revitalization.
The board and staff of MPN have begun their strategic work to define our path forward and to determine our core pillars of work.
Update from the Baltimore Integration Parntership, a project hosted by the Maryland Philanthropy Network.
View materials from "Maryland Philanthropy Network Exchange (01-22-2021)".