All funders interested in housing stability and homelessness are welcome to attend the meetings of Funders Together to End Homelessness – Baltimore.
The purpose of this group is to:
All funders interested in housing stability and homelessness are welcome to attend the meetings of Funders Together to End Homelessness – Baltimore.
The purpose of this group is to:
Please join Maryland Philanthropy Network for the first in a series of conversations focused on strengthening our Baltimore and Maryland fiscal hosting ecosystem. This introductory 90-minute session will provide a snapshot of the
View materials from "22nd COVID-19 Funder and Partner Coordination Briefing".
Click here to view materials from "An Update on Career and Technical Education in Baltimore: During Pandemic and the Vision Moving Forward."
As the COVID-19 outbreak evolves, we are convening members, grantees, and government sector partners to stay connected, informed, and to support collaborative action. This call will include an update about Baltimore Health Corps.
As the COVID-19 outbreak evolves, we are convening members, grantees, and government sector partners to stay connected, informed, and to support collaborative action.
View materials from "Supporting People with Developmental Disabilities During COVID".
Maryland Philanthropy Network's Education Funders Affinity Group invites you to hear from Dr. Khalilah Harris, Managing Director of K-12 Education Policy for the Center for American Progress, and Joseph Kane, Chair of the Parent and Community Advisory Board (PCAB) of Baltimore City. Dr. Harris will begin with a primer on the gaps in federal funding and the impact on Maryland’s public schools. Dr. Harris and Mr. Kane will then engage in a conversation discussing a vision for redesigning schools that moves beyond safety precautions to a system of education that makes it possible for all children to thrive.
The Baltimore Sun reports that the Maryland Transit Administration has “proposed to slash its bus service in the Baltimore region next year by 20% — eliminating 25 bus lines and reducing service on 12 others — due to falling fare revenue and reduced funding from other sources caused by the coronavirus pandemic.” Join us for a conversation with advocates about the cuts and possible alternatives, and to get an update on the advocacy work that is underway.
U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh in California made her ruling late Thursday, two days after hearing arguments from attorneys for the Census Bureau, and attorneys for civil rights groups and local governments that had sued the Census Bureau in an effort to halt the 2020 census from stopping at the end of the month. Attorneys for the civil rights groups and local governments said the shortened schedule would undercount residents in minority and hard-to-count communities.
Maryland Philanthropy Network is using this year’s annual meeting as an opportunity for transformative change. Our Network must recognize the responsibility to engage in truth-telling and healing in order to support positive community transformation in Maryland. Together we'll hear from local and national grantmakers on the cutting edge of restorative practices, welcome new board members, and celebrate our outgoing board members and CEO Celeste Amato.
View materials from "MPN Peer Conversation: Responding to Proposed Transit Cuts in Baltimore".
Maryland Philanthropy Network members are invited to join Julia Baez, Executive Director of Baltimore’s Promise and Danielle Torain, Director of Open Society Institute - Baltimore, to hear about and discuss Baltimore Invest, a unique collaborative funding opportunity.
View materials from "23rd Funder and Partner Coordination Briefing"
Today, Baltimore City Mayor Jack Young announced new relief for child care providers. Grant funding will be available to help them recover from the financial hit of being closed and operating under limited capacity.
Under fire from Baltimore-area bus riders, business leaders, politicians, parents and advocates, the Hogan administration on Wednesday canceled its p
With the start of a remote school year rapidly approaching, Baltimore families and educators scramble to prepare.
On Friday, Governor Larry Hogan announced that the State of Maryland is renewing its successful partnership with The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation to implement the Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities for People with Disabilities initi
With public schools in our area beginning the year with virtual instruction, a new study finds that students are at risk of learning loss, and shows that Maryland is lacking on some key indicators.
“Without any income, families are having to prioritize what little resources they may have to get through the COVID-19 crisis, leaving their rent and utilities unpaid.