Join the Education Funders and Workforce Development Affinity Groups for Part 2, a follow-up of Career and Technical Education in Balti
In June 2018, the Baltimore City Board of School Commissioners held a Board Forum on Equity where it became clear that there was a need to create an equity policy to ensure success for students, with a particular focus on eliminating the predictab
Join us for an in-depth conversation regarding two recent reports focused on career pathways and readiness for Baltimore City students. Our guests include:
The Human Capital Office leads Baltimore City Schools in attracting, developing, evaluating, engaging, and retaining high-quality leaders for all roles at all levels, ensuring equity, excellence, and opportunity in support of improved student outc
Join us for our Focus on City Schools meeting with John Walker, Interim Chief Financial Officer for Baltimore City Schools. Mr. Walker will provide an overview of the proposed 2019-2020 City Schools budget.
Join us for a conversation with City Schools and the ACLU to discuss the education policy agenda for this legislative session. We will be joined by Melissa Broome, Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs, Baltimore City Schools and Bebe Verdery, Education Director, ACLU of Maryland.
Join the Education Affinity Group and Steven Hicks, from MSDE, to learn more about Maryland's Preschool Development Birth through Five grant from the Federal Government (PDG B-5).
The 2019 Maryland General Assembly begins Wednesday, January 9, 2019! Some are calling the upcoming session "The Education Session!" In the coming weeks, the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education (aka Kirwan Commission) will release its final report and legislation will follow shortly thereafter. Join us for an Education Funders and Public Policy Committee Advocacy Action Discussion for 2019. During the discussion, we will share known updates for the Kirwan Commission and legislation as well as determine possible advocacy actions for grantmakers, both collectively or individually.
Join us as we close out the year and provide follow up from programs held in 2018. This will also serve as a time to raise regional or national initiatives and investments of interest, learn from other education funders, identify the potential for collaboration and explore new investment opportunities.
A year ago, representatives from CASEL, The Collaborative for Academic, Social, Emotional Learning, and Baltimore City Schools shared data from CASEL's then-recent social and emotional landscape analysis of City Schools. We learned about the anticipated partners and programs to support student needs, support systems and SEL curriculum, and development of school-based and district-level staff. Join us to learn about the implementation of those programs and additional programs to support student wholeness in the district.